Once each month I participate in a segment on SKY business where I am asked to find and comment on 3 stocks that are a fitting buy, hold or sell. The segment is shown 2 -3 minute segment to shown the following day around midday on Chanel 602 on Foxtel.
I use technical analysis tools to arrive at my medium-term horizon trading decisions and the results are presented live for all viewers to see. And of course, to follow over the ensuing months.
The stocks that I analysed on the 9th October 2014 show can be seen in the video below.
A chart of my BUY recommendation, Resmed (RMD), is shown below. RMD closed at $5.71 on 9th October, and has since gone on to a closing price of $ 7.33 on 14th January. During this period, 18th December, RMD also paid a dividend of 2.716c, resuming its uptrend after going ex-dividend on 18th November.
Source: Beyond Charts
My HOLD recommendation, Amcor (AMC) has continued its uptrend, moving from $11.25 on October to $13.25 on 14th January. See the chart of AMC below.
Source: Beyond Charts
A chart of my SELL recommendation for ILUKA (ILU) shows the well-established downtrend continuing. ILU fell from $7.79 on 9th October to $5.63 on 15th December, a fall of $2.16 and exceeding my call of a $1.50 move lower, before recovering to $6.20 on 12th January!
Source: Beyond Charts
Before each appearance on Sky News Your Money Your Call, I use my technical analysis software and run a simple SPA3 scan for buys and sells. I look to the price action of the list of stocks presented, coupled with technical analysis to arrive at a decision regarding each stock. I don’t listen to the opinions of financial journalists, brokers, newsletter providers and the like because the information is right there in front of me. I am able to form my opinions and make my decisions based on analysis and facts rather than opinion and conjecture.
The markets are continuously speaking to us. We just need to learn how to listen to what they are telling us.
Kenneth Gladman says
When investing, timing seems to be everything. If you can get ahead of the game and accurately predict you will be light years ahead of others. I think for those serious about investing, this is something to learn.